The Australian Pro Bono Centre is pleased to announce the publication of the 4th edition of the Australian Pro Bono Manual.
The Manual is the Centre’s flagship publication and is used by practitioners from around the world. The new edition is available entirely online, which will allow for more frequent updating as necessary.
The Centre is grateful to the 25 law firms and other organisations which worked with the Centre to produce the 4th edition. We are also grateful to the Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG for writing the Foreword for the new edition. In his Honour’s words: I praise and thank fellow members of the legal profession who continue, but in a much more intensive way, the experiments with legal assistance upon which I devoted so many hours at the outset of my journey in the law. Young lawyers will be more adventurous. This Manual will show how it is done. – The Honourable Michael Kirby AC CMG |