Access to justice is life changing

Leaving a gift for Law Access is a meaningful way to make a lasting difference for disadvantaged Western Australians long into the future.

Law Access was the shining light in a stressful time when justice seemed totally out of reach.

– Friend of a vulnerable West Australian assisted by Law Access

Your gift will provide vital support to help us ensure that all West Australians have access to justice.

Suggested legal wording for your Will

It is important that you talk to your solicitor about your estate plans and will to ensure that all your wishes are represented correctly.

The following are suggested wordings you may consider with your solicitor when preparing or updating your will to include Law Access.

1. Bequest for general purposes

I give [insert $ amount] to Law Access Limited (ACN 602 771 068) (Law Access), for its general purposes.


I give [insert percentage %] of the residue of my estate to Law Access Ltd (ACN 602 771 068) (Law Access) for its general purposes.

A receipt from Law Access Limited is a full and complete discharge to my Executors in respect of the gift to Law Access under this clause.

2. Bequest for a specific purpose

You may choose to specify in your Will the projects or activities that you wish your bequest to support.

Please contact the Law Access Chief Executive Officer to discuss your particular interest.

3. Charitable trust or endowment

Alternatively, you could establish a charitable trust or an endowment (an ongoing trust) to fund a student bursary or applicant support fund.

If you are considering establishing a charitable trust endowment under your Will, please contact the Law Access Chief Executive Officer.

Further information

If you are interested in finding out more about how you can contribute to Law Access in your Will, please contact our CEO for a confidential discussion on (08) 6488 8725 or email